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Principal Business Conference & Exhibition Service

Conference and Exhibition Center


Recently, the CTS Macao Conference and Exhibition Center has strengthened its relationship with government and social organizations by actively participating in major conference and exhibition events. The center has supported the“Vibrant Macau” activities in Chongqing, Beijing, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Nanning, Hohhot, Wuhan, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Changsha, Taiyuan, Nanchang, Jiangmen, Kunming, Xiamen, Shenzhen and Quanzhou. It has consecutively hosted the “Experience Macau” activity, and has actively participated in conferences and exhibitions of all kinds. Over all those year, it has successfully undertaken around 30 conference and exhibition projects, as well as the MIT, Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair, International Tourism and World Heritage Exhibition, Macau Auto Show and Macau Yacht Fair. By organizing these activities, the center establishes a leading position in the Macao conference and exhibition industry, and becomes well-known in Macao society.

experience Macao

"Experiencing Macao" is a large-scale event organized by CTS Macao to promote and publicize Macau tourism after the return of Macau to the motherland. With the strong support of the Macau Government Tourism Office, the CTS Macao organized mainland tourism elites to conduct tourism inspections in Macau.This large-scale event has been held nine times so far. In previous activities, nearly 400 guests from the continent gathered, however, in the last event, more than 250 elites from the tourist industry and leading media journalists were invited. Through visiting Macau and experiencing in-depth, visitors get to know the 400-year history of Macau, the diverse eastern and western culture, and the rapid economic growth after the Return. Currently, the activity of “Experience Macao” has already become widely known by counterparts from the Chinese mainland, serving as a bridge that promote cooperation between Macau and the mainland. At the last event, many travelers and network media were invited, participated and reported on this activity, which enabled people from all over the world to get to know more about the beauty of Macau.

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