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Principal Business Legal Service

The Chinese Legal Service Department was established in 1995. Our certified lawyers can handle all kinds of Chinese notarization or witness documents, and undertake legal affairs in the Mainland China without the need for the litigants to go to the Mainland. Legal affairs in the Mainland mainly include:

1. Acting as perennial legal counsel or special legal counsel;

2. Acting as agent in economic, civil, administrative, maritime, intellectual property and other cases, defending criminal cases, and participating in litigation and arbitration activities;

3. Acting as agent of one of the parties in economic and civil disputes, participating in non-litigation negotiation and reconciliation;

4. Drafting, reviewing, and revising legal documents such as economic contracts, technical contracts, company policy and private contracts;

5. Acting as agent for equity, real estate transfer, property inheritance, industrial and commercial registration and credit investigation, etc.;

6. Issuing lawyer's letter, legal opinion, witness contract and other civil legal acts;

7. Acting as agent for providing a series of legal services for investment and establishment of factories, technical cooperation and transfer, and signing of other business labor contracts in Mainland China;

8. Company reorganization, stock issuance, company listing; company establishment, reorganization and liquidation.

Tel:28706655  87998760

Address:1F, Nam Kwong Building

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